181 photos   17715 visits

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Gosh, so you changed my life ! ' ♥
Yeah, talking 'bout my sweet fans. (:
They changed my life to the heigh. <3
Are all to me, and I observe they really love me!
I have defects, I am not perfect. ;;]
But they make me feel special '&' perfect.. ♥
Thank you for that! I had dreams the last night. =] '
Of course, with you, loves >D<. ' ♥

- Debby ♥ ' -
Hey sweeties <3
Hey sweeties <3
Thank u so much for all the support!
Thank u so much for all the support!
You rawr, babes >D<
You rawr, babes >D<
IL you :)
IL you :)

Comments • 2

BibiiSmile 11 May 2011  
With Mrs. Mozbby
DebbyRyanPagex3 11 May 2011  
With Phill Lewis :) Yeah..It will be great xD
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