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0 I Am Not Perfect 0

Hi! I wanted to say that although not say I'm perfect!
Everyone thinks I have not actually faulty but because I am a normal person.
If I'd be perfect I won't be a normal girl.But I am normal and unperfect. :)
Maybe I've caracter defects.Some friends thinks that! xD
And maybe it's truth.But my fans don't know anything about me just what are reading on the Internet.
But my caracter can't be put on a Net-Page.I am differend because I am actress. :]
So my character is totally flawed.I recognise it! (: xD
And I'm not ashamed because it's something normal.Isn't it? I think it is. <3
So stop saying that I'm perfect anymo ' . - :)
I'm just a girl with normal demands and desires. xD

X D :)

X D :)

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