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Hey guys :) It's Deborah '. ♥
Uhm, I wanted to bring you a new ad! xD
Maybe wouldn't be so good, but.. I will tell you.
I won't come on @Twitter for some weeks! :(
I am so busy and I will work more on @Deget!
But the @Twitter will take a good sleep for a long time. :(
I am sorry for the followers and the cute joiners, but I can't join @Twitter & @Deget.
So my choice was that : I'll stay on @Deget! xD
Maybe some of you will be sad, but...You should understand me. - ' ♥
My tweetchers will be so sad because @Twitter is the only one place where they can talk to me.
But, this is the life! ♥ ' I stand on @Twitter and now I will stay on @Deget.
Anyways, I am so sorry again and hope you'll forgive me fo' that . :) ' ♥

xoxo Debbs :]
I am so sorry joiners :( xD
I am so sorry joiners :( xD
Please forgive me guys <3
Please forgive me guys <3

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