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0 You ROCK Deget 0

Hi ' :) ♥. Here's Debb ' <3.

In the Past, I thought that I will have a bad time on @Deget, I recognise. ' :)
Just because the fan who showed me it, told me that I've fakes. ' :|
But this didn't fall me down! :) I am so strong, you know me. ♥ '-
Uhm, I tried to say I am sorry to tweetchers, but they didn't understand easy. ' :(
They was upset but I begged them to understand and they did it for me.. - ' ♥
So, for me, @Deget = ROCKS <3 I love this site because I've true fans who won't leave me! >D< ' ♥
==> I am sorry again for Tweetchers and you ROCK for Deget! <3 ♥ ' <==

xoxo Debbs :]
You are a great company dears :]
You are a great company dears :]

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